How Health Crises May Serve as Portals for Deeper Healing

A health crisis can occur as a result of a medical emergency, such as a heart attack, or even a new diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension. Receiving this kind of news can be shocking, to say the least, and it is not uncommon to experience denial for a period of time. These events are life-altering and can feel ominous and frightening. Although a health crisis is an abrupt, and at times, startling awakening, it can also serve as a much-needed wake-up call that ushers in a new beginning. This jolt interrupts life as we know it, shakes things up, and helps us see with more clarity that what we have been doing is no longer working for us. It is important to recognize that there is a gift being offered through this disruption. We are given an opportunity to reflect on our current trajectory and “course correct” immediately by changing our daily life to support our wellness! 

I feel that it is appropriate to address this concept of how health crises may serve as portals for deeper healing now in the context of our current, global pandemic. I hope that we as a collective can come through this experience with a new sense of how things “should be.” Let’s not “go back to normal.” Let’s not “wish for the way things were.” Let’s create something better. I hope that a new way of being can emerge from this unprecedented time – so when we look back, it won’t all be pain and suffering. We are responsible for ushering in this shift in consciousness. How we choose to live every day makes a difference! Let’s prioritize our health. Let’s create a sustainable lifestyle. Let’s choose to speak and act with awareness. Let’s lead a conscious life. Let’s hold kindness, compassion, and respect for all living things. Let’s care about the well-being of the planet. After all, it begins here and now – with us and a choice.

Blessings to each of you,

Dr. Avaness

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