COVID-19: Recommendations for Staying Well

With the global Coronavirus Pandemic upon us, I’d like to begin with a simple list of recommendations for staying well:

  1. Get enough sleep. Rest is an important part of neutralizing the damaging effects of stress and giving your body time to repair!
  2. Drink enough water. When your body is properly hydrated, it can function more optimally and flush out toxins.
  3. Exercise. Moving your body is vital for maintaining healthy circulation including the flow of lymphatic fluids that play a key role in our immune response.
  4. Eat high-enzyme foods. Foods that are naturally high in enzymes and alkaline are rich in nutrients that are readily metabolized to support a healthy body.
  5. Practice good hygiene. Yes, wash your hands. Avoid touching your face. Cover a cough or sneeze – then wash your hands! Wash your clothes after returning home from an outing. Wipe down surfaces that are frequently contacted. Leave the hand sanitizer and N95 masks for the medical professionals who are in the front lines.
  6. Practice social distancing. It is important to stay home right now to minimize potential exposure. Do not go to your local ER for a “routine screen.” Those who are truly ill need prompt access to medical facilities and medical staff.
  7. Get morning sun. Step outside for 10-15 minutes of sunlight in the morning (weather permitting). The UV light does have anti-microbial effects externally and stimulates balance in the pineal gland which supports immunity and healthy sleep patterns.
  8. Connect to what truly matters. Reach out to friends and family – check-in! Tell them you love them.
  9. Take time for self-care. Draw that bath. Light a candle. Take time to meditate. Nourish a connection to yourself so you can maintain a sense of balance during this turbulent time.
  10. Keep your cool. Stress is proven to suppress the immune system. It is important to take precautions, be safe, and act wisely, however panic is never productive, efficient, or beneficial.
  11. Be kind. We are one. Do not let fear and separation drive your thoughts, emotions, or actions. Reflect on what you are grateful for. Reflect on what you truly need. Know that we are here to support each other and there is always love and beauty in the world, even when it’s difficult to see…

Blessings of good health to each of you,

Dr. Avaness

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